> Is building queries the only thing people use RDS for or is there 
> other things as well? Why would one use RDS as opposed to an interface
> provided by their RDBMS? Just curious as I really don't know since I
> don't use RDS. I tried making use of it in Studio a long time ago and
> found it lacking.

No, it's also used to edit files. Its big advantage is that it easily allows
remote access, when you haven't set up any other alternative for remote
access, without worrying about firewall configuration or software
installation. I don't know whether a lot of people use it when they have LAN
access to their web server's filesystem. It is lacking in many respects, but
it's a lot better than nothing.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444

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