On Monday, Sep 15, 2003, at 13:02 US/Pacific, John Wilker wrote:
> I don't know about you but That seems like an aweful lot of work just 
> to
> emphasize a word, not to mention wasting a line.

Mosh's example is a little over the top. *bold* and _italic_ are 
actually the 'standard' forms of emphasis in Usenet, dating back more 
than a decade (now, that makes me feel old!). I've encountered several 
email clients that use this sort of annotation to embolden and 
italicize text - in fact, open up MS Word and you'll see it converts 
*bold* and _italic_ automatically for you!

Jochem's point is that <em> and <strong> are better ways to add 
emphasis in HTML (rather than <b> and <i>).

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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