On Thursday, Sep 18, 2003, at 12:48 US/Pacific, Bryan F. Hogan wrote: > Save from EJB, etc, what does JSP the language have over CFMX if it > does > have something over CFMX? If they both can do the same job, why would > one > choose JRun over CFMX? Speaking of those that do choose JRun over CFMX. I think it's more of a basic Java vs ColdFusion technology choice. It's more like choosing ASP or PHP over ColdFusion. Once you've decided you're going to use Java / J2EE then you pick an application server and that puts you in the JBoss, JRun, Sun ONE, IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic etc marketplace. What makes people choose JSP over CFML as their technology? All sorts of factors really. I, personally, don't like JSP - I think it's ugly and low-level. I think the same about ASP and PHP in fact. I prefer CFML as a language (and CFMX 6.1 as an implementation). But a lot of people don't know enough about CFML to consider it a viable alternative to JSP and / or they believe the FUD - Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt - spread by CF's detractors... Your question was posed as "why choose product A over product B?" but I think the underlying technology question is more interesting... Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/ "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive." -- Margaret Atwood ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
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