Even if you don't have specific versions for your web apps, version controls
is invaluable for it's concurrency (multiple users editing files) and
history features.  We use CVS for all our apps, including CF apps, and love

Version control is also linked with quality control in a way.  You can push
out a new bug to users just as easily (or more easily) than you push out a
new feature.

My $0.02.


Blog: http://www.rewindlife.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:57 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: real quick ot
> does anyone here use version control for web apps?
> my CTO is dying for me to version control our company
> intranet and I cant explain to him enough that in the 10
> freakin years ive been building web apps, that ive never
> heard of a VERSION.
> since web sites are a single point of distribution, and as
> soon as someone loads a page they have the new version, WHATS
> ...tony
> tony weeg
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