> By providing people with creatives and cut-and-paste HTML, you can vastly
> improve your chances of attracting reciprocal links to your site.

Ok that makes since, make it easy for someone to trade links with your site.

> Don't plaster each of your sites with links to the others, and don't
> reciprocate links between the sites.

So you're not supposed to swap links with another site?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 2:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: keywording for search engine hits

>Any good rules to follow for making sure that keywords are picked up by the

>search engines, especially without having the keywords actually render on
>the page?  I've been hearing that the engines are getting smart about not
>collecting keywords from meta-tags - is that correct?  What about putting
>keywords in HTML that's inside of a stylesheet or DIV that is hidden?  Will

>Google etc pick those up?  Any other good ideas?

Here's a great new article to help you out with Google (and, I would
imagine, other engines as a results). In short, it just got a lot harder to
boost your rankings:


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