Barney Boisvert wrote:

> With DMWX I've run into sporadic situations where it will replace certain
> things with this big long string of nastiness that seems to be some form of
> metadata markup about a given variable or tag.  I've got a couple files in
> my app (of about 2000) that I can't edit in DW, I have to use a different
> editor.  
> Don't know if that's the problem, but you might try opening the offending
> template in notepad/textpad and seeing if there is any extra crap lying
> around.

Thanks for the suggestion.

HomeSite is wonderful in that it is mostly just a fancy text editor with
built-in CFML and HTML (and PHP, too) validation and a built-in FTP
client.  It doesn't insert one bit of code that you don't want in there.  :)

The solution was a minor issue with comments.  For some reason, standard
HTML comments <!-- like this --> were screwing it up.  I replaced them
with CFML comments <!--- like this --->.

Who knew?

Time for a beer.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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