I've seen the same behaviour if a quote is missing from a string within an IF block, or if a tag in a CFIF block is missing the end angle bracket ">".


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFIF Insanity

J E VanOver wrote:

> Can you post  your code?
> Unmatched comment tags?

It turned out to be something similar.  Some parts of the code contained
comments that started with <!--- and some that started with <!--.  I
went ahead and replaced all of the latter with <!--- and that seems to
have fixed it.


Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III,
UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (http://unexdlc.ucdavis.edu)
(916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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