We have downloaded the update and when installing we request that it do a full install and entered the key. As result we are still getting the same problem. What I do not understand is that I am not on the server and I can access the pages but no other user can!

What am I doing wrong?

> Yes that could have a profound effect, under single IP the server is
> in development mode and can only be accessed from itself.  Usually as
> localhost and/or, but if you set up a website in your local
> IIS (or other web server I presume) you may also access it under that
> name from the local box.

> No body else can though.  That is the limitation of the free
> development version of the software, if it wasn't restricted who would
> bother to pay for it for production purposes.

> The gotcha that exists is the for the first 30 days it runs in Trial
> version as a full production server and during this initial period of
> time other users can access the box.


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