John Croney wrote:

> I am sorry that I did not explain what I ment by it showing. What is
> happening is that I am able to view the cfm page but they receive an
> error the JRUN closed connection. This would even happen for pages that
> have no script but has the extention cfm at the end. If the file is
> rename to .html, .htm or .asp it will work.

Indeed anything that has an extension of CFM is managed by the CF
server. The JRun error is because the CF service is restarting.

Find out what file they are trying to connect to and go to that file
yourself and see if it is slow, or see if you see anything else out of
the ordinary.

> So I am therefore thinking that the problem can not be in the page but
> with IIS or Coldfusion. But why only I can view them?

It can be the page but it doesn't have to be. Most likely it is the
pages code that is causing the crash. IIS is out of the picture because
the JRun connection error is the CF server restarting. Not IIS.

You need to find out exactly what they are doing so you can recreate the
steps. You should also follow my suggestions from my previous message.
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