>>is there a function in transact sql that allows something like the
cfmx insert() function?

To display it, just use mid and call your CFC function that returns the
decrypted CC number.


If you want to convert all of them from 1234567891234567 to
1234-5678-9123-4567 I would just:
1. Change the type of your DB field
2. Use a regular _expression_ to add the dashes
3. Run an update on each Credit Card number.  Even with 10,000 records,
CF would blaze through the list in a few minutes.

Note: Amex and a few other cards have different lengths, so be careful

Ryan Duckworth
Macromedia Coldfusion Certified Professional
Uhlig Communications
10983 Granada Lane
Overland Park, KS 66207
(913) 754-4272

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 10:42 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: sql question

is there a function in transact sql that allows something like
the cfmx
insert() function?

I have a number field, 1236547852145632, that I want to display


and don't want to do this...

<cfset myNum = 4103346331>

<cfloop from = 4 to = #len(myNum)# index = i step = 5>
<cfset myNum = insert('-',myNum,i)>

too many times in a 10000 query recordset :)
if I can pass it off to sql server, GREAT!



tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

visit www.antiwrap.com to send long url emails to your friends!

-- dont mistake my perfection as arrogance
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