Yes, I have a lot of this going on in my last project.  Some complex
database transactions have more than one method that gets used in more than
one "main" transaction, so these are broken up into private methods, called
by just referencing the method itself WITHIN the CFC (which is the keyword).
As far as I know (and according to the docs) you can't instantiate a CFC
with cfinvoke and then call methods on it external to the CFC, without
specifying the component name again.

I remember something about CFMX not invoking a duplicate component again if
you do happen to use cfinvoke with the same component name in the same
request, but that's just hearsay as I don't remember where I heard it from,
so someone else might want to weigh in on more of the technical aspects.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 10:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFC Practices

In a CFC it is possible to call another function of the same CFC
without specifying the component attribute (like so):
<CFInvoke Method="Set_Order">
Has anyone tried this and is there any savings or penalty for doing it
this way? I haven't seen anything, but there are others here with more
component experience than I have.

Yes, I've been posting rhetorical questions like this to both feed the
Best of Talk and get people thinking on what they do and how.
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