I just tested it out as well. I wrote a CFC with 2 methods. The private method was called from the public one. Using the three types of calls, the CFINVOKE using component="#this#" failed (as joe mentioned). The function call worked, as did the CFINVOKE with no component.
I'll do some deep speed tests to see which is better, but I expect it to come down to no real speed difference. Well, no difference other than style. :)

>Raymond / others with <cfinvoke component="#this#"...>
>It will fail, as it should, when trying to invoke a private method.
>It's a slowish afternoon, so I did this:
>  <cfset myId = createUuid()>
>  <cffunction name="sayHi" access="private">
>    <cfoutput>sayHi: #myId#<br></cfoutput>
>  </cffunction>
>  <cffunction name="doSayHi">
>    <cfoutput>doSayHi: #myId#<br></cfoutput>
>    <cfinvoke component="#this#" method="sayHi">
>    <cfinvoke component="test" method="sayHi">
>  </cffunction>
><cfinvoke component="test" method="doSayHi">
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