We have been doing it for a couple of years. I have over 100 websites on
just one server and most of them are the same IP. The only thing that gets
separate IPs are SSL and special Application sites like the control panel or
the webmail. The need for a Static IP is really Old School thinking, IIS can
handle all the request using hostheaders.

Now if your boss absolutely has to have 89 Domains each with its own IP I am
sure us or most hosting companies can accommodate you but it would take time
and money to setup the IP block.

Rick Eidson
Partner & CTO
ArcRiver Technology, LLC
ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City
http://www.arcriver.com/ <http://www.arcriver.com/>

Kansas City Musicians

-----Original Message-----
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT: many IPS or one?

I do virtual hosting all the time and have no problems.  If you're
using SSL, you'll run into issues, because you need to have a separate
IP for each individual SSL certificate, but for non-SSL hosting, it's

The argument against it is that clients which don't support HTTP1.1
will only ever get the default host on the IP address, becuase they
don't send a host header, but you'll be hard pressed to find such a
client anywhere.


On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 15:59:52 -0400, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a sort of off-topic question for you guys concerning hosting
> set-ups.  We have about 89 domains that we are currently hosting at XO
> communications for cheap cheap money.  All of them are static sites - html
> only - we do our CF hosting elsewhere (I'll leave 'who' up to your
> imaginations to avoid 'my host is better than yours'
> conversations).  Recently, XO decided that they are going to start
> us an arm and a leg for our hosting, yet still keep the same crappy
> customer service and questionable uptime.  So, we have started to look
> elsewhere for hosting options.  The cheapest option given to us from most
> hosting companies is using one IP address and having all sites reside
> the one IP using IIS redirects (I guess, I'm not an IIS guy).  We are used
> to having one IP per domain at XO...
> My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
> so.  What I want to know is why would this matter?  Search Engines, etc
> don't care what our IP address is, right?  Are there any real reasons that
> we should have a separate IP for every account, even if we were to bundle
> all of our CF accounts into one host?  The hosting companies are reputable
> large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an
> issue, we have already weeded out the dregs...
> Thanks for the insights!
> Ray
Barney Boisvert
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