I do not think this is an issue for a web site. Email maybe, but if you
configured correctly you will not have any blacklist problems.

If a network is blocking access to a server IP because of a website then the
problem is their problem not yours. They should block domain access not

Reputable or do you meen large company with a fat wallet? I think the big
company doesn't care much about it's clients. They close up and move on you
or make changes without warning.

Rick Eidson
Partner & CTO
ArcRiver Technology, LLC
ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City
http://www.arcriver.com/ <http://www.arcriver.com/>

Kansas City Musicians

-----Original Message-----
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT: many IPS or one?

Ray Champagne wrote:
> My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
> so.  What I want to know is why would this matter?

To spread the risk of one of your customers being blacklisted. If
you have them all on one IP, one blacklisted customer means thet
all have trouble.

> The hosting companies are reputable
> large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an
> issue

Are they really reputable? One of the best ways to make sure they
are is to make sure your contract has a provision that if the
IP(s) you use get blacklisted because of (lack of) their actions
you can immediately cancel the contract and you get the last
three months of payments back.

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