> You are missing the context of the thread though.

Maybe I am. I don't think so, but it's always possible. :) This thread has
been very long, and, as most mailing list conversations go, it's covered
quite a bit of territory.

> The original statement was as follows.

Which itself was a reply to previous message.

> As you can see, the poster suggested that a new gateway could be written,
> so yes it does indeed require knowledge of Java. Since this particular use

> can is not made easier by CF and requires knowledge of Java then the
> argument that CF makes it easier is not valid.

I disagree. I'm sure ColdFusion (the platform) will provide an
infrastructure which makes developing gateways relatively easy. Further, as
I stated in my previous post, I think it provides ColdFusion developers,
gateway developers, and the ColdFusion community with a common interface and
language for describing it.

Now, as to your argument as a whole, I don't think it's a mistake to say
you've spent a good deal of your time in this thread arguing that ColdFusion
gateways offer very little. You've argued that very few applications built
in ColdFusion will have a use for gateways because very few J2EE
applications utilize JMS.

Though I agree that a small percentage of applications will use them, I
think most developers will use gateways in their applications at some point.
By way of example, a relatively small percentage of my applications use COM
interoperability, Web services, or even the cfdirectory tag. Nevertheless, I
find those features indispensable.

You've also stated that you don't believe the built in gateways will be
enough: "What is the likelihood of the built-in gateways doing everything
you need?" In my previous message, I stated that I think the gateways
already announced sound like they'll suffice for most of what I've already
dreamed up. I hope to be proven wrong because that means I will have found
new uses for gateways. :)

All in all, you've been arguing that you can already build gateway-like
interfaces which invoke ColdFusion pages (ostensibly using Java or another
lower level language to detect the event and invoke a ColdFusion page via
HTTP?). For these reasons, you've implied (strongly) that gateways are a
waste of Macromedia's resources.

Do you still think I'm missing the context?

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