> From: Gavin Brook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Personally I use an individual primary key myself. In the 
> past I have seen oracle databases with two fields as the 
> primary key, but never a whole record. The only justification 
> I can see for having the whole record as the primary key is 
> to save space. Adding an extra column to store a primary key 
> requires the space to store it and the storage for the 
> sequence. On modern servers storage is not usually a problem, 
> particularly with such a small field. On older mainframes, it was.

I can not speak to AS400 as that was the technology in text books 10
years prior my college experience (yes I'm a youngin'). Anyway, any
space you "might" save will be lost when you do updates or selects in
which you want a specific record assuming there is a comparable stored
procedure concept on AS400. Consider the extra lines needed to determine
which record to update or select:

UPDATE .... SET .... WHERE a=1, b=2, c=3, e=4, f=5 etc etc etc.
SELECT .... FROM .. WHERE a=1, b=2, c=3, e=4, f=5 etc etc etc.

Compared to

UPDATE .... SET .... WHERE a=1

That's not to say that there is never a need for compound keys comprised
of 2 or 3 columns such as those found in join tables, etc...

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