> Kwang Suh wrote:
> > Let's say I have a website I want to cluster on 10 servers.  With CF, 
> that's 10 production licenses at whatever cost you can find CF at.  
> With .NET, it's zero cost, so there can be some additional cost 
> savings.
> I'd like to see the total cost break-down for a site that was so large 
> it required 10 clustered servers.

Hmm, Macromedia's for one.  Not sure if has ten, but there's a quite a few 
there.  Anandtech was running quite a few as well.  There's William Sonoma.  
How about Toys'R'Us before they switched over?  Pottery Barn.

> I doubt the bottom line would move perceptibly if you switched from CF 
> to a free option.


> > 
> > Also, no matter what way you cut it, CF Enterprise is quite 
> expensive.
> > 
> If you're a child at school, a new mountain bike costing $200 is 
> expensive. If you're a student at college, a new car costing $5000 is 
> expensive. If you're a medium sized shipping company, a new truck 
> costing $100,000 is expensive. If you're a multinational shipping 
> company, a new jet costing $10,000,000 is expensive.
> The numbers may not be spot on, but you get the general idea. 
> Expensive 
> is not an absolute term. It depends on the nature of what you're doing.

Yes, and for web development, CF Enterprise is expensive.  And apparently every 
country in the world buys and sells in US$.
> A multinational shipping company is the only one I'd expect to require 
> 10 clustered CF servers to run their app, and that app would probably 
> be 
> saving them an amount of money that is enormous when compared to the 
> $60,000 one time cost of the CF licenses.

"Probably"?  Proof please.  And, apparently Macromedia is a multinational 
shipping company.

> > Also, only development licenses are free.  QA, staging, and test 
> licenses are not with CF, unfortunately.
> Again, whether this is actually expensive to your company depends on 
> the 
> size of your company and what you want to use the app for.

Yeah, you're right.  I don't need a QA server.  Thanks for setting me straight 
on that.

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