> You don't always need all of these players.  Right know, I have my credit
> card account with Northern Trust and they've hired an electronic provider
> (ADP/Chase) that we use to process transactions.  We do not have any
> additional fees besides the rate we negotiated with our bank.  The
> majority of our transactions are card not present all settled
> electronically.

Some companies provide all three services (payment gateway, Internet
merchant accounts and merchant account). I'm no expert, but I believe that,
in the United States, you need an Internet merchant account that's separate
from your merchant account (business checking account) for card-not-present

If that's indeed the case, then you do need all three components, even they
are provided by the same company. I did a quick search and found a little
more info of Verisign's site:


>From what I've seen, you get the best deals by picking and choosing. For
instance, we use Authorize.Net for the payment gateway. As I said, we've had
good luck with them, there's no software to install, and they provide a
couple different integration methods.

We use Heartland (I believe) for the Internet Merchant Account. I don't
think we chose them for price but because their bills are broken down in a
manner that our accountant can actually use to reconcile our books.

For our business account, we go with a regional credit union. As it turns
out, despite the fact that we bombard them with thousands of small money
checks, they actually end up paying us to have an account with them as
opposed to the reverse.

Anyway, I've already told you more than I know, so I'll stop now. :)

Ben Rogers

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