Ok look! I've noticed some posts lately that looked very unappreciative of what 
these guys are doing. From Ben's profits or non-profits from his books, to 
Mike's cfform site. Yes, I've had my share of rants about cf in the past, but 
my point was to improve the product, not scold individuals over their 
involvement with MM/CF.

Let me go on the record and give a hell yeah to Ben, Mike, Jared, Dave W., 
Bryan, Adam, Barney, and all the other guys I'm leaving out! If it weren't for 
you guys I'd be WAY behind where I am right now and wouldn't be making money 
building apps for my slowly-growing client base.. 

Ben? As far as I'm concerned, you deserve a damn 20 million dollar paycheck for 
what you put into this for us! So don't let a few unappreciative-sounding posts 
make you think otherwise! We appreciate all the hard work! 

That's all I'm saying!


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