Has anyone else noticed that CFMX7 now casts a date column as date time in
queries? Or is it just a Monday and I have not recovered from the weekend?
When I run a query to get one record 
<cfquery name="getbuilds" datasource="#database#">
SELECT    StartDate, RecordId, RecordDate
FROM         BuildsData
where recordid = 1
The query returns #getbuilds.StartDate#  = 2005-01-26 00:00:00.0
<cfset foo =
Even after the querysetcell #getbuilds.StartDate# = 2005-01-26 00:00:00.0
Can anyone tell me how / if I can make CFMX7 return non typed columns? 
The funny thing is, this was a feature I was hoping MM would add. I just did
not know it would cause problems with my legacy code.
Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media
  www.vividmedia.com <http://www.vividmedia.com/> 

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