On Thursday 05 May 2005 10:32, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
> > MySQL is not file based like Access. You need to have a copy of
> > MySQL installed and running.
> I do Jochem....MySQL 4.1.11...with an imported copy of the live database
> ;-);-)
> As I mentioned....I can't figure out how to setup the ODBC connection to my
> local copy of the MySQL DB....there do not seem to be any suitable drivers
> listed in the Windows ODBC setup....any ideas??

If you insist on converting from MySQL to MS SQL Server (a concept which 
boggles me, to be honest), try executing a mysqldump from the DOS command 
line to get a copy of the database, then importing the resulting file into 
SQL Server.  Mind you, I've never tried this personally, but I have done it 
the other way around.

I'm not sure ODBC drivers exist for MySQL.  Although I work with both 
platforms, I've never had a need to connect a SQL Server database to a MySQL 

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group
2901 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95816

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