I probably should have qualified that a little more.  If I develop a
"thing" from scratch, and just dive right into coding, it might take
two weeks.  If I spend time to gather requirements, spec it out, do a
good design, and then implement it, it might take 2.5 weeks, and the
coding will start after two full weeks have elapsed.  In other words,
I'll spend slightly more time working, but spend one fourth as much
time actually coding.  That gives the perception that things are
moving faster with the 'ad hoc' approach, but it's not really true,
because the coding takes 4 times a long.

To round out the scenarios, I'll easily gain back that extra half a
week down the road because the code will be better structured and make
maintenance easier and faster.  And more likely than not, the savings
will be measured in weeks or months, not days.

In either of those time tables, using a framework or not is pretty
irrelevant.  Though if you're making changes to an existing
application and the app already uses a framework, it has the potential
to reduce the amount of new code you actually need to write to make
the changes.

And no, those times aren't just pulled out of my ass to prove a point.
 They're made up, but the relative lengths are based on experience.


On 8/11/05, Michel Deloux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Barney. "Percieved development speed is governed by the
> methodology, not a framework.". Really great!
> MD.
Barney Boisvert

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