Didn't see anyone directly answer this...

Yes, the "straight cfm" would probably be faster, assuming you were
cfincluding dependencies at the page level vs a framework doing it at the
controller, and they have the same "model" layer, if any, like a single
basic cfc.

Would it be noticeable? Depends on a couple things, but I would say
somewhere between "no" and "just barely." YMMV, and with frameworks you have
to enable production mode, turn on page caching in your admin, etc. to see
the real performance levels.

-nathan strutz

On 6/6/06, dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thats why i was asking if you took 1 good coder and made the same app in
> straight cfm and 1 in a framework, which would be faster, or i guess it
> would be better to ask, would it be noticable. Since you are running the
> same graphics, css, etc and if it was on same server.
> ~Dave the disruptor~

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