On 11/12/06, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote:
> > I don't really use keyboard shortcuts other than ctrl-s, x, v, and c.
> I even use alt keys to access menu items... ALT-F, O to open files..
> ALT-S,E for Extended Find/Replace (which can also be accessed via
> SHIFT-CTRL-R).. etc
> i make extensive use of ALT-TAB and SHIFT-TAB, I usually use the windows
> start key and the arrow keys to access stuff in the start menu (well, at
> least for start->run and shut down)
> And to send this message, I'll hit CTRL-RETURN.

I don't understand why the use of keyboard shortcuts is hindering your
adoption of CFEclipse.  I'm also a keyboard shortcut junkie and
CF/Eclipse offers me every bit of functionality I could ask for.  And
it's just as configurable.  There may some shortcuts that are not
available and/or some that are available that weren't in Homesite+,
but on the whole I've been extremely happy with those
offered/available in CF/Eclipse.

There may be other reasons for not adopting Eclipse, but if this is
the only one or even the primary one then it may be worth another

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