On 11/12/06, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rob Wilkerson wrote:
> >
> > I don't understand why the use of keyboard shortcuts is hindering your
> > adoption of CFEclipse.  I'm also a keyboard shortcut junkie and
> > CF/Eclipse offers me every bit of functionality I could ask for.  And
> > it's just as configurable.  There may some shortcuts that are not
> > available and/or some that are available that weren't in Homesite+,
> > but on the whole I've been extremely happy with those
> > offered/available in CF/Eclipse.
> The keyboard shortcut issue is really just part of it.  I have a problem
> going between the "project" based structure of eclipse and the file
> based structure of homesite.

Yeah, that still bothers me from time to time.  It's definitely an
adjustment, but I've learned to handle it okay.  And it even offers a
few advantages that are occasionally helpful.

> I also don't like the way ctrl-tab works
> in cfeclipse.  I find myself using Homesite's extended find and extended
> find/replace feature *ALL* the time.  I'm not even sure cfeclipse has
> that kind of functionality.

Ctrl+H provides that option with even more capability.  Search a
resource, a project or a workspace.  Pretty flexible.  Plus regex
search and replace.  Someone mentioned that HS+ offered that, but I
had never realized it.

> I'm sure it's mostly just a learning curve thing.  I know I *SHOULD* be
> using cfeclipse, and I'm getting closer (because I essentially *MUST*
> use eclipse for flex apps)..

I'm not sure it's a normative question like that.  Should or shouldn't
isn't really an issue when you have options.  Whatever works for you
is what you should be using.  I switched primarily because I wanted to
use the same IDE in my windows, linux and mac desktop environments.
Otherwise, HS+ was meeting all of my needs.

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