I do all my work in application.cfm file as well. I load the 7 or 8
objects I need and I'm done with it. I just don't see how there code
be a speed benefit.

Why would I want to load an object into the application scope just to
load more objects? This is one more piece of code that has to be ran,
maintained, suck up processes, suck up memory, to explain.... Wouldn't
it be best to just keep it simple and call right to the CFC?

I don't know what is right or wrong when it comes to objectFactories.
That is why I am asking the question.

On 12/11/06, Aaron Roberson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am not one to give guidance since I am new to all this myself,
> but... I don't use an object factory. Instead I init all of my
> services, gateways and DAOs in Application.cfm. This provides the same
> benefits Adrian mentioned for using object factories (there are
> probably other benefits to using object factories that my approach
> does not benefit from).
> I have also chosen to place Application.cfm files in each directory.
> That way I am only initting objects that will be used in that
> directories files. If all of my objects for the entire application
> were initted in one Application.cfm there would a rather long delay
> when someone first visits the site.
> On the other hand, Phill Nacelli has created an object factory that
> looks pretty good. I was going to use it but he took a while to post
> an explanation about it on his blog and I had to continue developing
> my application so... maybe next time. He has since blogged about it
> here: 
> http://www.phillnacelli.net/blog/index.cfm/2006/11/21/ObjectFactory-Explained
> HTH,
> Aaron

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