Well since you qould try to use verity and verity does not index mp3 
files for their content, I assume you are just looking for a filename.

So what you can do is (assuming you have cfmx7):

<cfdirectory action="LIST" directory="D:\multimedia" name="qryResult" 
filter="*.mp3" recurse="Yes">
<cfquery name="getFile" dbtype="query">
    Select * from qryResult Where name Like '%Alanis%'
<cfdump var="#getFile#">

Greetings / GrĂ¼sse
Gert Franz
Customer Care
Railo Technologies GmbH

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Bob Imperial schrieb:
> I'm trying to figure out how to go about searching through a directory of
> mp3 files I have in a shared hosting environment so no verity. The search
> criteria would be passed via a form variable, so, I'm wondering if it's
> possible to use cfdirectory list and maybe dump the results into an array,
> then do loop through the array using listfindnocase on it to find the
> specific file?? Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated, I've
> goggled it to death only to run into the verity avenue, which I can do
> locally, but alas, not in my shared hosting scenario.
> Thanks!! Bob

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