On 2/9/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One last thing.
> Since most of you disagree with me (and that's totally fine), at what point
> do YOU think it's a bad idea? Just a few days ago, someone was asking for a
> really elaborate piece of coding for a site and people thought that was
> ridiculous that someone would ask that.
> In what way is this different? Sandra isn't asking someone to come up with a
> design that she will use. She's asking many people to come up with designs
> that they might pick one (what if none of them are good enough?). The rest
> of the people are basically out of luck. They don't get any recognition or
> compensation for their time.

Not only is she not asking "many people"...she's not asking -any-
people.  She's not asking anybody to do anything that they don't want
to do.

I can virtually guarantee you that most (if not all) of the people who
enter this particular "contest" are not going to do it for the
potential prize.  They're going to do it to show their support for
fusebox and the community.  -If- they happen to win, great.  It's an
incentive, sure.

Would you have been OK with this if there was no prize?  If there had
simply been a request made for people (who want to support fusebox) to
submit design ideas?  and then maybe the members of Team Fusebox would
vote on the best one?  And it would end there?

Because that's really the way that I see this.  Yes, there is a
"prize".  I just don't really think that's going to be anybody's
primary motivation for entering.

Charlie Griefer

"...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
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Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

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