Thanks Dean,

This is confusing the hell out of me. I've checked all the data types in both 
the stored proc and the database columns, they are as they should be, into and 
two varchars, I even tried changing the column names to make sure they 
weren’t reserved words or something, but still the same issue.

What is weird, that if I fire the proc with those values from SSMS like this:

EXEC Sp_Credential_Create 1, '07C67BA421500B791090E92F4C3D7032', 

Then it works just fine, so I'm guessing the database side of things is just 
fine, this must be something in the cf that's causing the problem, it really is 
most wierd.

Thanks for any further ideas you guys have on this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Lawrence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 June 2007 22:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Error converting data type varchar to int.


Hmmm, it certainly appears to be passing in an int and 2 strings. What
is killing me is that I know I had run up against this error in the
past, and for the life of me, I cannot remember exactly what the
problem was.

You may want to double check the field names and types that are
defined in SQL Server to make sure that you are not trying to insert
param2 and param3 into a field that has been defined as an int.

Dean Lawrence, CIO/Partner
Internet Data Technology
888.GET.IDT1 ext. 701 * fax: 888.438.4381
Corporate Internet Development and Marketing Specialists

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