That's not true about the 6.1 compatibility.

The new version has basically been benchmarked against CF 7.02, which 
was the current version when the bulk of Railo 2 was developed.  Some 
features have been extended or improved beyond the CF 7 spec.

This final release also adds some features added in CF 8...

NB: I don't work for Railo, just interested in a fair argument! :-)

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> If they cut the price by about 50%, I might be interested.
> I just can't see paying "at least" for Railo Pro, which only
> compares to CFML 6.1, for what I would pay for the full pro
> version of CF 8 from Adobe... the original.
> Say, I'd be paying at least as much, if not more considering the
> number of websites I host, for a CFML engine two versions out of date,
> and forfeiting may of the features of CF 8 from Adobe.
> I don't understand why anyone would go this route.  Again, if the
> price were considerably less that CF 8 from Adobe, then maybe I could
> see going this way...
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Low [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 5:51 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Railo 2 Released
> Railo released their 2.0 edition today.  I've been testing stuff against 
> the release candidates for a few months now and love it...

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