Thanks for the advice.  See questions and comments inline.

Brad Wood wrote:
> I'm biased because SeeFusion is the only product I have used, but I
> wholeheartedly recommend it.  (I have absolutely no affiliation with
> them) Unless you are simply interested in spending more money don't
> think SeeFusion is less of a product because it is cheaper. 

No, my preference for FusionReactor wasn't because SeeFusion was cheaper.

> The latest version of SeeFusion uses a very slick Flex interface that
> allows constant streaming of stats among other things which I have found
> to be very easy to use.

Yes.  However, the FusionReactor interface seems just as nice.

> The active monitoring rules E-mail me before anyone even notices the
> servers have a problem

FusionReactor seems to have this as well.

> Where I take SeeFusion to the bank is in the database logging.  I have a
> separate database for my webserver stats which I aggregate via jobs
> every night and I can produce pretty nice trending reports at the end of
> the month. (I will send you an example of a report I made from SeeFusion
> data if you are interested)

I had difficulty understanding how I was supposed to get this running. 
Honestly, I didn't put much time into it.

> Even cooler is the API that is available to build your own monitoring
> interfaces using live SeeFusion data.  I have a monitor I built that
> shows me every spid running on the database, the NAME of the user
> running it, and the page of the application they are on.  I used the
> SeeFusion API to tie the web server info together with the database info
> via running spid and web server IP.

Fair enough.  I'm not sure I'd use that, though.  But it is a damn nifty 

> Finally, I have never had a bad experience calling up for tech support.
> I bugged the crap out of them for a while, and they still kept answering
> the phones with a smile.  lol

This is IMHO a great recommendation.  Service is very important to me.

--Ben Doom

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