I am getting 2 strange errors..

  ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation) |

  [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'thethin' is 
already open and can only |
  have one user at a time. |
ODBC Error Code = S1T00 (Timeout expired)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of 
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (69:1) to (69:89) in the template 

the query is simple:
<cfquery name="list" datasource="#SQLds#"  username="#sqluser#" 
select id,submitted,q,score from faq
where (approved = 1)
<cfif category is not '-1'>
     <cfif findnocase('1', category)>category like '%1%'<cfset more=1></cfif>   
     <cfif findnocase('2', category)><cfif more is 1> or <cfelse><cfset 
more=1></cfif>category like '%2%'</cfif>        
     <cfif findnocase('3', category)><cfif more is 1> or <cfelse><cfset 
more=1></cfif>category like '%3%'</cfif>        

     <cfif findnocase('4', category)><cfif more is 1> or <cfelse><cfset 
more=1></cfif>category like '%4%'</cfif>        

     <cfif findnocase('5', category)><cfif more is 1> or <cfelse><cfset 
more=1></cfif>category like '%5%'</cfif>        

     <cfif findnocase('6', category)><cfif more is 1> or <cfelse><cfset 
more=1></cfif>category like '%6%'</cfif>        
<cfif sortby is 'score'>
order by score desc,submitted desc
order by submitted desc,score desc


This is SQL server 7, Cold fusion 4.5.1 - on separate boxes..
There has been no change to the cold fusion templates on this website in 
about 6 months. These errors started popping up very infrequently a few 
weeks ago.. Maybe once every few days.  When the first error happens, I 
have to reboot the cold fusion server and it works again. The second one 
clears itself quickly and works again.
     The only change I see is a increase in the database size, as well as 
an increase in the number of visitors to the site.
    When this happens, other databases still work.
That query takes only about 200ms.  How could it time out?  Any ideas?
I do not have any other programs opening it - the servers are co-located, 
and do not even have MS access installed.
I do use MTS packages to copy the database  to my home computer a few times 
a day.. would that exclusively lock the table and cause problems?

Al Musella, DPM

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