No, no, no, I wasn't looking for someone to blame, consider the attack on my 
box yesterday as a "car accident" as someone has so vividly alluded to,
well, someone was saying, hey, why were you on road, I have the right to hit 
your car even if you're following traffic rules?

Yes, I do have knowledge about server security, however, as I mentioned, it's 
also involved with Opportunity Cost, but yes indeed, there's neglect from my 
own part, I'm not consistent enough in enforcing security for the box.  Thanks 
for your time and the pointers.

>I realized that this last post seemed harsh, so I thought I'd clarify. My
>point is that since you're in the middle of this, there's better things to
>do than assess blame.
>I understand that you're upset and frustrated, but looking to point the
>finger to blame will not lead to anyone but yourself and that's not going to
>help you deal with this.
>If you desperately need to keep the server online, a quick fix is a small
>home based router / firewall that can hold you through while you sort this
>out. They're built to be easy to configure via browser and generally you can
>get them for quite cheap.
>Configuring it would be much easier than trying to learn how to console into
>a Cisco Pix...
>If you don't need it up, than take it down immediately so that you don't
>cause the same grief to others online.
>I'm unsure if it's 'your' server or a company that you work for, but if you
>don't know something, ignoring the problem doesn't constitute a solution and
>sure isn't a justifiable excuse.
>And you don't need to be an expert at security to handle this, because there
>are experts that tell you how to do it for free, including the companies /
>organizations that build the software you run.
>Here's the thing, if I were a security professional, would I be in a better
>position to attack and/or defend my machine or any machines for that matter?
>Given the opportunity cost, could any of us be all and being experts in all?
>A clear and difficult challenge. 

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