"Calling a hosting provider to set a mapping on YOUR box should cost you. 
Having that host install CF ON HIS BOX should cost him.  IT'S HIS BOX."

ok so they should have charged him $300 or whatever it was for what should have 
been 1 minute of their time... yeah thats a great deal jim!! SIGN ME UP!!!!!
Coldfusion was already installed, they just didn't apparently read that 1 page 
in the manual either and since they didn't know how to do it they blamed it on 
And they couldn't even do the mapping right and THEY (as in ct) said cf needed 
to be re-installed (which of course it didn't) because they didn't know how to 
do it.. so I guess THEY should be reading that 1 page of the manual which you 
would assume they should already know but instead they took his money and the 
simple job still didnt get done, pretty damn ridiculous if you ask me. But then 
again any given person can have a problem with any host.

"If you're that fundamentally illiterate about the technologies involved you've 
no business running a server."
You are right jim and he shouldn't be running a server. His old partner ran the 
server before and left him hanging with it. But he understands that and doesn't 
mind paying for something to get done but consistently ct does just what it did 
in the previous example and take his money and not get the request done. In the 
meantime when his contract with them is up he is leaving and going to a managed 
server which is where he should be.

"That's an outright lie. CT servers are behind very good, industrial HARDWARE 
That's NOT what they told me and thats NOT what they told him. Actually they 
told him that there is ZERO protection and that his server was full of Trojans 
and all that crap and so he called me on other line and we 3 way called and he 
flat out told me there is no protection whatsoever on their system and of 
course they talked him into letting them "clean" his server for $500 (which was 
probably a scam). But again he shouldn't be on his own server but what you are 
saying and what they said are 2 different things. So if that is the case then 
they purposely duped him outta $500 and I dunno which way is worse.

"None of these assertions can be backed up by the original request.  The 
requestor only said that he didn't like the performance or support.  No 
assumptions can be made about his skill level."
Ok so he says basically that he needs support, you don't need a zune manual to 
figure that part out. If he knew enough about running his own server then he 
could have tweaked the vps to increase the performance since he has quite a bit 
of control of the machine which is a pretty good indicator that he'd have a 
hard time with a self-serve ded box & if he didn't like the support he got then 
don't you think he just might need support on a ded box because he quite 
clearly states that support is one of the reasons he is leaving, which would 
mean he is needing it.

"I assume that anybody looking for a VPS or dedicated box has the basic skills 
required to actually use that service."
Well that's cause you assume instead of actually reading what they ask or say. 
What is funny is that when someone who can run their own server posts this 
question you don't throw out your $85 server.. go figure

"continue to bitch EVERY TIME I CONFER MY OPINION."
Yes I do BITCH Jim because every time someone comes on who say they NEED 
SUPPORT and COLDFUSION you throw out this $85 server which does NOT include 
neither SUPPORT OR COLDFUSION which very very much mis-leads the people into 
thinking it's an option when 98% of the time it ends up not being a real option 
for them. If you want to CONFER YOUR OPINION then at least state the facts that 
it does NOT include support or coldfusion so that the poster understands that 
there are different types of dedicated boxes and services offered because most 
people just don't know that a dedicated plan at host a is very different then 
dedicated plan at host b. I think it would be pretty rare for someone who is 
actually able or qualified to run their own server to come on here and ask for 
info on hosting. Would it be so hard for you just to say "hey I got a ded box 
at ct for $85 a month and I love it but do understand that price does not 
include support or coldfusion." Because at least then it wouldn't get their 
hopes up.
If it was me and I listened to you and went and got the server and then found 
out there is no support, there is no coldfusion, there is no av, there is no 
backups and on and on... i'd be frickin pissed as hell and by the time i added 
all that I would be right back up to a managed server, lol

To the poster, IMO you should at first start with a managed dedicated box until 
you learn how to run and use it then go to unmanaged. I personally keep my 
dedicated box on a managed plan because I would rather have hms help deal with 
any issues or be there for my customers if there is a problem without getting 
reamed on a per-basis charge. Sure it costs more but it also allows me to work 
more on work and not the server so in theory I also make more money and deal 
with less headaches. Also at HMS if you get a dedicated box you also get a 
LARGE dedicated team and a different number to call for support and if none of 
them are there you get the senior most tech on shift which does make a big 
difference in the support you get. I say this because just last month when I 
was in nashville and this guy was having problems with his server at ct he had 
to continually wait until a dedicated tech would come on duty to help him and 
sometimes that was 12 hours or so.

And fyi~ I also had some issues with running cfm8 on vps and moved to a 
dedicated box and the difference is amazing. At the time it was right after 
cfm8 had come out and it just wasn't very stable on a vps and I don't know if 
that has changed or not.

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