Sure, that makes perfect sense Jochem. I was just outlining how I've done
this and how I think most people would probably approach it. Obviously you
need to do it in the way that makes sense for your application and your
environment. Whatever the steps involved, the key is to make it as automatic
and repeatable as possible. Thanks.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:25 AM, Jochem van Dieten

> Brian Kotek wrote:
> > All of this can (and should) be automated with ANT. That means at the
> click
> > of my mouse I can execute the entire deployment process in exactly the
> same
> > way every single time. That might mean:
> >    - Zip the current code, timestamp it, and copy it to a back folder for
> >    easy retrieval.
> >    - Delete the current code
> >    - Copy a site maintenance file into the site folder
> >    - Pull latest from SVN
> >    - Perform export to site folder
> >    - Run a reinit HTTP request to reload the application
> >    - Send an email to notify stakeholders of success
> I agree with the need for scripting part. What you do in your scripting
> however can be very different if you have different requirements. In my
> case the scripting does:
> - export the sources
> - export externals
> - export the buildfiles
> - spawn an Ant task to package an EAR
> - remove all unit tests
> - compile the code
> - spawn an Ant task to package another EAR
> - calculate MD5 checksums of both EARs
> Then the non-compiled EAR with unit tests goes to the test environment
> and if approved there the compiled EAR without unit tests goes to QA so
> the customer can approve it. Test, QA and production do not have access
> to source control for CFML sources (only for configuration files), they
> get EAR files with MD5 checksums and test reports of the previous step
> in the cycle.
> This approach is very different from most approaches but the reason for
> that is that quite a bit of the software we develop is not deployed on
> infrastructure we control. We have had too much trouble with people
> messing around with things they didn't understand and with deployment
> instructions that were only partially followed. And we just don't want
> to deploy any sources at all, just compiled code.
> Jochem

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