Coming in a little late here...

Drive space is not expensive.  You can get production quality drives for
less than $500 (us) for a 1\2 a terabyte.  


/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 3:21 AM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: RE: SVN in Production
/*SVN is used to have a revision control system, so that you could roll back
/*to a previous version or whatever you need to do.
/*When it comes to production, why the hell would you install 99% of extra
/*space taking codes and indexes to a production server? Over a period of
/*time, your code might be 1meg in size, but after a year the SVN indexes
/*could result in 2gig and more of space that is no longer needed. But then
/*one read the docs to these tools, one would not use SVN in production.
/*SVN can be expensive when it comes to hard drive space, and one should
/*and I will repeat this again.
/*NEVER USE SVN in production.
/*Use a program like beyond compare to syn file changes or something, but
/*NEVER USE SVN in production.
/*I am shocked to find people don't research their tools enough.
/*So let me recap, DO NOT USE SVN IN PRODUCTION. If you do then your a damn
/*fool, and should be shot on sight.
/*Senior Coldfusion Developer
/*Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
/*Phone: +613 9015 8628
/*Mobile: 0404 998 273
/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Kym Kovan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Monday, 11 August 2008 11:07 AM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: SVN in Production
/*Looking at some of the responses in the recent thread on SVN v ftp I get
/*an impression that some folk are using SVN clients on Production boxes.
/*What are people's thoughts on this? Is it a security risk, is it
/*dangerous in some other way, or is it a "bad thing" because of all of
/*those extra files that cause havoc with backups?
/*Kym Kovan

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