>1) I am not worried about what you think, the reason being is that I have
>clearly stated that on a few occasions everyone is different.

Neither me you. You have clearly stated that everyone is different but
that no one should ever use SVN in production. I would like to know
the concrete reasons for the latter because I am interested in the

>There is no way to automatically migrate a file, with 20 changes and only 2
>of them are to go to production. This has to be done manually.

You're right, if you have 20 changes to a file and you only want to
push 2 up then you would not want to be using SVN. That does not make
a point for never using SVN in production. That makes a point for
never using SVN in production the kind of projects you work with which
I assume are constantly evolving applications. Again, I am currently
working with such an application and we deploy such changes manually
using Beyond Compare and changing line by line where neccessary. Not
all application development is like that. Some are far more straight
forward and are updated less frequently and those situations simply
don't arise.

>2) I guess you wouldn't hear about them then.... it is human nature to curse
>the previous developer of such jobs, you might not mean anything by it.... etc

Again, I agree with you on redundant files being bad for both future
developers and even the current ones.  I am constantly removing
redundant files and commented out code that is no longer needed and I
commit those deletes to the repository. I *always* consider future
developers. The extra files that SVN will be adding to the deployed
application are all in hidden folders and all called .svn; a simple
and prominent entry in the application documentation would be all that
is needed to avoid any confusion about those files. Other than those
files, I have found that SVN actually promotes the removing of
redundant files.

> Now how about giving me one that I can pick holes in?

The application is a small business' office management system built
using Model-Glue and ColdSpring. It is a private site and downtime is
possible for updates, though this has never needed to happen. Updates
to the features of the application happen sometimes in small chunks
and other times a whole heap of changes take place. There has never
yet, and not likely ever, been a situation where development will be
happening on two seperate updates that will deploy at different times
and that conflict with each other.

There is a single xml file that contains server specific
configurations and those settings contain no sensitive data, I have no
problem with having the settings of all servers in that file on each
sever. SVN has been used to deploy the initial application, two rounds
of updates and various bug fixes. It has made deployment of changes
and fixes a breeze. Should there come a time where it is no longer
practical, it will not be an issue to switch to some other deployment

>Now there is also one other reason for no .svn files in production, and I
>will see if anyone lese can guess the reason. And I can tell you now it is a
>very serious reason why I would not use it, and it also hilights what I have
>been trying to say. But I have refused to mention it because I want to see
>if anyone is actuall smart enough to know what I refer too first.

>If you know how SVN works then the answer to that will be very easy for you.

This is the kind of comment that has kept this topic going far longer
than it needs to have done. This list is about helping people with
their questions and the OP put their question intelligently and
deserves a respectful answer. This is not the kind of "How do I set a
variable" question that deserves a RTFM response. I put my question to
you personally because it was your personal statement that I wanted
clearer information on. I am perfectly willing to accept that
deploying with SVN might *always* be a bad idea and I, and I'm sure
all the people who have read through the reams of this topic, would
appreciate this information.



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