I don't think that is a logical argument.  If I was hired into a new
position and didn't know anything about svn or cvs or anything like that and
I see all these .svn files...I would ask.  Confusion solved.  When we go
into new positions, there is always going to be something new we have to
learn whether that is a versioning system, coding styles, or whatever.  


/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 11:07 PM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: RE: SVN in Production
/*No I was not concerned about HD space, my view is simple. If it is not
/*needed to have the Application run then it should not be there, whether
/*there is plenty of space or not.
/*Let me ask you something, if you didn't know about SVN and you picked up a
/*maintenance job and came across all these extra directories that shouldn't
/*be there. Are you goiong to know which file is to be used? OR if these
/*dirs and files actually ever get used?
/*The point is that you might now what they mean, and why they are there.
/*put yourself into someone else's shoes and think about the confusion it
/*would cause.
/*Granted having them there is not an issue as such, but why create further
/*headaches down the track?
/*Not everyone has the ability to use a VPN automatically, so automating a
/*script to export from SVN to production is not always going to be viable
/*either. For example we have a client where we have to be authorised to
/*connect to the VPN connection, once we have finished with it is removed.
/*The problem with that is that I have to find another solution to do the
/*so the thing is I would prefer to use and build scripts to build the
/*into a war file to be deployed, or if in the case of Coldfusion standard,
/*will build the application to QA as that is internal. Then when it is
/*off we can then deploy that, but it is still a small extra manual step but
/*we have no choice when it comes to the VPN connection.
/*Eitherway, svn integration will be different to everyone esle.
/*But when it comes to deployment from SVN, never use SVN to migrate to
/*production. When I first mentioned that, people quickly jumped onto the
/*you can export from SVN. Sure, but you are not using SVN to migrate to
/*production, as you have done an export. I thought that would have been
/*obvious to most, but it appeared not.
/*Senior Coldfusion Developer
/*Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
/*Phone: +613 9015 8628
/*Mobile: 0404 998 273
/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Dana Kowalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Friday, 15 August 2008 12:27 AM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: Re: SVN in Production
/* This thread is kind of heavy handed. My personal opinion with anything
/*this is your mileage will vary. There are simply too many factors to heavy
/*hand a this is the only way to do it. Everyones configurations, staff,
/*resources, technical knowledge etc etc vary. You use what works, simple as
/* Being over concerned about hard drive space is kind of crazy as well. I'm
/*not really sure about the shared host portion of the posts as well. If you
/*are that concerned with security, protocal, space and deployment why would
/*you EVER be on a shared host.... thats pretty silly.

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