I don't remember seeing that.  Not every company has a proper SDLC.  We
don't, much to my chagrin.  I would love to have consistent user testing,
but as a smaller company, we don't have the resources to do so.  Heck...I
have a project awaiting testing that has been sitting there for the past 3

What we have set up is I develop locally...then commit to a development
branch and update the dev server so I can test in a production environment.
Once that is good, I merge the files to the test branch (from the
development branch) and update the test server so (ideally), we get some
UAT.  Once that is ok'd, I then merge it to the trunk and update production.

That sounds like a similar process to what other describe and it is similar
to a process that was posted here in this thread (difference is they used
release branches...which are unnecessary for my purposes as we are
maintaining a single web site)

Multiple benches could be used for your example and then you merge the
changes (even going as far as using svn diff with the branch you are merging
to, to cherry pick changes.  Then you are only deploying the changes you


/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 6:52 AM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: RE: SVN in Production
/*I was not responding to you directly, if I did not answer your question
/*let me ask you this.
/*If you are tight for HD space, and not everyone is. But what good would it
/*be too actually have .svn files on your production server? If it doesn't
/*need to be required to run, then it doesn't need to be there.
/*From a security point of view, unless it is behind a VPN that is totally
/*secure you have your code base open to the whole world when and if it is
/*hacked. Small chance that someone would work out that your production
/*is connected to your SVN server.
/*If you are like ME and most others, your company or business is behind a
/*firewall. This means a number of things, and if hacked then the code could
/*include your SVN details to connect to your SVN server. Unlikely, but why
/*take the chance?
/*Do you really want me to go further?
/*SVN might be used by some people in production, and these people are in
/*of a good damn slapping and told to give it up...
/*And over time, all changes made to production and stored back into .svn
/*directories end up increasing your HD space so over a year it will grwo
/*depending on how often youu make changes directly to production and DO NOT
/*FOLLOW a full SDLC.
/*But I guess that anyone who does use an approach of production->svn, do
/*know what an SDLC is all about or how to protect themselves. In one
/*application, I had made changes to the application that DOES and WILL
/*LIVE data. So until the client is happy it gores through the stages of dev
/*-> QA -> production and then at least, once made live if the changes made
/*production effect live application data the ownus falls onto the developer
/*and the client.
/*If it is the developer, then they migrated changes that should never have
/*been made live. If it is the client then they have no excuse, because it
/*went through a QA phase for the client to approve from a UAT point of
/*view... And I will make the assumption that if you follow an SDLC you
/*also be using the UAT, before a client signs of on the changes.
/*Oh wait, some comments here have made a reference to the fact that changes
/*are not signed off on. Which means you could have 20 changes waiting for
/*approval, how do you migrate these changes?
/*You certainly would not export the entire repository now would you?
/*Senior Coldfusion Developer
/*Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
/*Phone: +613 9015 8628
/*Mobile: 0404 998 273

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