On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 8:23 PM, denstar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> > Brian...
> >
> > A statement like this means you are not very good at your job.
> Hey, we're all learning and whatnot, Andrew, cut the man some slack! :-)

Thanks Den. :-)
But believe me, you don't have to defend me to Andrew. At all.

> > There is no way to automatically merge changes, I mean even SVN can't do
> > that between developers and its a manual process to update and merge
> > changes.
> SVN really DOES automatically merge changes.  That's one of the cool
> things about it (The Book[http://svnbook.red-bean.com/], is awesome!)

I think we might be looking at different kinds of merging. What we're
talking about here are cases where you have different branches of the code
(say a development branch and a production branch), and you fix a set of
bugs in development and you want to merge those changes back into the
production branch without bringing over any of the other partially finished
work from the development branch. This process is known as merging, and it
does require care though it is not particularly difficult to do. The trick
is that after you merge the changes into the production branch, that you
then apply a tag to it, test it thoroughly, and then deploy the updated file
set to production.

Am I misunderstanding? Or were you referring to SVN's ability to merge
changes from different developers who are working on a file at the same
time? That process is actually called "conflict resolution". I just wanted
to make sure whether we're talking about the same thing. Thanks.

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