On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Brian Kotek wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 8:23 PM, denstar wrote:
>> Hey, we're all learning and whatnot, Andrew, cut the man some slack! :-)
> Thanks Den. :-)
> But believe me, you don't have to defend me to Andrew. At all.

Oh, snap!  =]  Didn't mean to imply that, actually.  Thinking it might
be some type of pain referral for Andrew, if that makes sense.  I
meant "we are all imperfect, and that's perfect", I guess.

>> > There is no way to automatically merge changes, I mean even SVN can't do
>> > that between developers and its a manual process to update and merge
>> > changes.
>> SVN really DOES automatically merge changes.  That's one of the cool
>> things about it (The Book[http://svnbook.red-bean.com/], is awesome!)
> Am I misunderstanding? Or were you referring to SVN's ability to merge
> changes from different developers who are working on a file at the same
> time? That process is actually called "conflict resolution". I just wanted
> to make sure whether we're talking about the same thing. Thanks.

You nailed it with conflict resolution-- so long as there is no
conflict, the merge (of updated code) is automatic, which is the
automatic part I was referring to :-) (it's pretty smart, too!).

So not merging branches, but merging updates, is what I think I was
talking about.

I think  =]

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