The only way I found the SQL Injection Attack was my server kept crawling to a 
dead hault. I looked in SeeFusion (some softwear I purchased that lets me see 
what is going on live with the websites) and I noticed that the sites Total 
Time just kept going up and never resolving, basically every website coming to 
a hault and bringing my server to a scretching hault. I would reboot CF to get 
it to unlock. After a scan of Cold Fusion logfiles application.cfm file, I saw 
this weird URL string and thus my search landed me here.
Whether or not that is what was or is bringing my server to a hault, I don't 
know - but I can only hope. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the 
(don't everyone scream all at once) 45 access databases I am using to run the 
individual websites off of or not, but just maybe.
~ David G. Moore, Jr.
P.S. Can't wait to see everyone's response to this one? I am pretty sure I am 
about to get another SMACK DOWN...> Subject: RE: SQL injection attack on House 
of Fusion> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Date: Wed, 
20 Aug 2008 17:59:23 -0400> > > Does this thing just raise it's ugly head every 
now and then > > and go away for a while? This is the first I have seen of it > 
> on my server.> > This is the first large-scale automated SQL injection 
attack. Automated> attacks have been around for a long time, as have SQL 
injection attacks.> > Honestly, this current attack is just a nuisance. SQL 
injection attacks are> usually more destructive, in that they often involve the 
theft of sensitive> data. In those cases, of course, the attack is manual 
rather than automated.> But if your site is vulnerable to this automated 
attack, it has always been> vulnerable to these manual, destructive attacks - 
which may have already> occurred without your knowledge.> > Dave Watts, CTO, 
Fig Leaf Software>> > Fig Leaf Software provides the 
highest caliber vendor-authorized> instruction at our training centers in 
Washington DC, Atlanta,> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at 
your location.> Visit for more information!> > 

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