One thing I would watch out for is concept overload. I think the single most
difficult thing for me was sifting the VAST amounts of information. One of
the problems I ran into was finding tutes and examples that did *one thing
only* and not mixing concepts like using MachII and ColdSpring together. So
when you look at the code examples you can't figure out which parts were
MachII and which were ColdSpring.

I would recomend taking things one step at a time instead of trying to
abstract your database while trying to work it into a Framework. I ended up
thinking myself stupid and just got frustrated. Pick a single task/Concept
and figure it out and then move on to another.


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Judah McAuley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> All fine point there Gerald, thank you. I've looked at Illudium in the
> past and plan on doing so again for this project. Right now though I'm
> trying to map out all my classes in UML to make sure that I have it
> together conceptually, then move to the actual coding part. The
> database already exists from the previous iteration of the project
> though I plan on modifying parts of it. So I will most likely start at
> the conceptual level and work down, then start generating from the
> persistence level and work up, then try and hopefully meet those two
> somewhere in a happy middle :)
> Judah
Gerald Guido

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