> The recent thread of discussion on CF vs PHP/ASP is pretty 
> old hat by now. I thought I might throw in something that 
> hasn't been mentioned yet. Does anyone have any opinion how 
> CF 4.5 will compete with ASP.NET (previously called ASP+) 
> when MS releases it next year? Will CF's next major version 
> be comparable and will it be capable of integrating with MS's 
> .NET services?

It's hard to compare an existing product with one that doesn't exist yet. I
suspect that .NET won't be all that different from how MS guys use ASP and
COM now, anyway.

In any case, by the time that .NET is a real product, CF 5 will probably be
a real product too.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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