Thanks for the input, Tony and everyone...keep the ideas coming.
I'm about to start working out this issue today, so the more options
I have to choose from, the better!


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Bentley [] 
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 11:14 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Is this possible with component methods in cf8?

This is a pretty common issue with file upload and processing. I suggest
using either a Java or Flash based file uploader that offers a status for
each file. the asfusion one is a good example of how you can upload and
process each image. Once the image is uploaded and the script is run to
resize, it will post back either a url or what I have done is run a
javascript command that gets the image and loads it into DOM. Unfortunately
there is no way that I know of to do this in ColdFusion and javascript
without a bunch of AJAX requests checking every second or two to get a
response from the server about how many files are in a directory. It could
be fine but I think there is a better way than tying up the server with a
cfdirectory script. 

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