
I am completely new to this (eclipse and GIT - actually just trying to switch 
from homesite :-) so project etc are a new phenomenon to me.), in fact i am 
pretty new to source control in general i looked into using some (SVN) about 6 
years ago but never actually got round to doing anything.

I have been recommended by a few people that if i am starting from scratch then 
it would be a good idea to try and get my head around GIT as opposed to using 
SVN. Plus my research seems to point towards GIT being the Future.

I have a general understanding of SVN in that a central repository is stored on 
a server somewhere, and everyone takes their code from there, but GIT is made 
up of lots of separate repositories 9not sure how they all link together)

The more i think about this the more i don't understand how its is all meant to 
work. I have EGIT installed and have kinda gotten the hang of committing, 
adding to version control & resource history on a local project stored on my 

However i have my live sites on a remote server hosted (at Alurium) how should 
i go about getting the sites onto my local machine and using GIT? then syncing?

Im at a complete loss

Cheers in advance


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