On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Ben Alembick <benalemb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The more i think about this the more i don't understand how its is all meant 
> to work. I have EGIT installed and have kinda gotten the hang of committing, 
> adding to version control & resource history on a local project stored on my 
> machine.

There are several CF folks who are much more experienced with git than
I but I don't know if they're on cf-talk these days.

Anyway, the basic concept of git is that instead of a single, central
repo, everyone has a repo and git allows people to clone from one
place to another and merge back so that everyone has the complete
history locally and at any point, any given repo can be designated the
"master" and patches from other repos merged into it.

> However i have my live sites on a remote server hosted (at Alurium) how 
> should i go about getting the sites onto my local machine and using GIT? then 
> syncing?

You've got a lot of options - fortunately or unfortunately depending
on your point of view. You could just maintain local git repos for
each site simply by putting an up to date copy of each site on your
local machine and then doing git init in each top-level folder. You
could also get an account on one of the various service providers that
offer git hosting - Assembla is extremely good but there are several
others. The docs for the provider will walk you through the steps
involved in either creating a remote repo, cloning it locally (empty),
adding your code and then committing it back to the provider or
importing your local git repo up to the provider.

I'd highly recommend paying for a service like that since you then get
remote access from any machine - including your live servers if you
chose to deploy direct from git - as well as having your source code
in a secure location that is backed up regularly.

Hope that helps point you in a useful direction...
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. -- http://getrailo.com/
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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