GIT does have an eclipse pluggin called eGit for use in your IDE.

Paul Alkema

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Scott [] 
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 3:41 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: How are other developers handling big SVN repositories?

Wow you have lost me.

First let's look at a great Client UI first, SmartGit looks awesome have
been using the SamrtSVN version for awhile but I prefer it inside my IDE
first and foremost.

A lot of things you mention below I am not sure if you are referring to SVN
or GIT, you can certainly hide code in SVN now by just ignoring it. Might
have to look a bit closer how GIT does this.

Are you saying that GIT can't check out a part of a project, by revision? I
know you can in SVN so you must be talking about GIT here.

>From what I read about GIT and Subversion 1.6 they are almost identical when
it comes to merging and patching code, not having used GIT at this point I
may have to look a bit harder at the differences.

But SVN is as powerful or not depending on if you utilise that power, and by
the sounds of it GIT is no different in that area as well.

If I have misread what you are trying to say, you didn't make it easy which
parts you are talking about for which application although I see a could
majority of it can be used in SVN.

-----Original Message-----
From: denstar [] 
Sent: Friday, 7 May 2010 4:35 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: How are other developers handling big SVN repositories?

Yes!  Git has been around a lot longer than I thought it had (catch
the wave, right?  I'm as bad as the anyone. :]), yet chunks of it are
still in flux as if it's brand new.

Nothing wrong with that, but with folks jumping on the wagon like they
have been, you'd think things like submodules (SVN:externals-ish
stuff) and other things like, say,  java implementations and 3rd party
tools/integrations would "be there" already.

For sure there'd be a decent windows implementation, right?  Not so,
until just recently (Understandable?  Plenty of linux heads hate
windoze (see?) with a passion.  Can't really blame 'em either.  I
mean... file locking from the 60s? WTF?  =)p).

I freaking *love* svn externals.  I love that you can check out any
part of a project, vs. the whole she-bang.  I love having that linear
history, at this point (maybe I'll change as I become more familiar
with the concepts of editing/deleting commit histories and whatnot).

The parts I love about Git are the parts that let me work the way I
*want* to work-- meaning, perhaps, not the way I *should* work.  Just

For Git, I love:  Shelving/stashing stuff.  Keeping stuff private and
then going public with it, yet with continuity (sorta).  Offline
commits!  ***sharing patches***! (it's built in!)

It's the bomb for open source, mostly because of github + easy
patching.  Love that social coding aspect it's got going on.

For closed source, or more centrally managed projects, something
centralized (like SVN) seems to make more sense.  At least for "the
repository of record", ja know?  Nothing stopping anyone from using
both tools, which I find pretty freaking cool.

You don't /really/ *have* to choose, you see?

The one thing you *don't* have a choice about:  Learning the
methodologies of managing code changes when multiple people are
involved in the code.

There's just nothing that's going to "save" you from learning that.
It's sorta like a coder trying to get away from SQL ( ;) a weak
analogy, but I tossed it in for Barney).

I'm big on flexibility, and Git is more flexible than SVN (for good or
ill), so it probably will be "the new SVN", eventually.  Ironically, I
think this flexibility is an boon to the lone developer, but actually
complicates multi-developer interaction.  With power, comes

Anyways, Git really is cool, and approaching problems from multiple
angles will better prepare you for future problems, so give it a spin!

Just don't let the power of the non-linear blind you to the weaknesses
of it, or blind you to the power of the linear.  We're beyond good and
evil. :)

Or something like that.  I'm not 100% wrapped around all this crap
yet, if ever.  They have *both* been awesome *and* painful, for me.  I
think that might just be "life", though.

Or something like that.  :)



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