I just finished deploying a shopping cart on a second. I am planning to release 
it as FOSS as soon as I get a little bit of documentation written.

In writing it, I used cfpayment (http://cfpayment.riaforge.org/). It provides 
an abstraction layer to several payment gateways and it is easy to add new 
payment gateways if the one you need isn't supported.

It is an amazing project and really saved me time. I would highly recommend 
that anyone endeavoring to build their own cart in ColdFusion check it out.


>No problem...but just an FYI, I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple CF FOSS
>attempts get as far as a committee/planning stage.  Here's to hoping this
>one gets further.  What about a paid approach...maybe a paid plug in for
>Railo?  Free licenses for those who contribute?  Maybe base it on FW/1? 
>Not at all against FOSS, just want to see this work.
>Mark liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin 

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