Well, I guess it is a bag-on-Eric thread after all.

Michael Grant said
>you'd be much better spending the 40 or so hours trying to
>drum up business or on a job search. Spend one day putting together a
>resume/portfolio and the other 32 hours contacting people and circulating
>your portfolio.

Good advice right there.

Like I said, you have a problem with your business model.  Abandon it.
 Reboot.  Cuz right now you are making a big mistake that a lot of us
recognize ... since we made the same stupid move ourselves and know
the consequences.

And when someone tells you this they aren't elitists...  They correct
word is 'successful', and to be blunt, thats something you are not.
Pay attention to someone who is successful if they take the time to
give you advice.  Chances are they have done well for reasons other
than blind luck or random chance.

Not saying any of this to be mean.  This is just the way it is and, as
many of us have said, we have been there, done that and really hate to
see someone else jumping off that same cliff.

Janitor, The Robertson Team

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